People often wonder why I continue to train in martial arts.
I am a 59 year old man, a professor, an anesthetist, a lawyer too. They think
it is for self-defense, for protection.
It is for self-defense and for protection. But not for what
many think. Certainly it is possible that I would have to use my hands and feet
to defend myself. And Chayon Ryu trains me for that. But it is unlikely.
any smart martial artist, I avoid dangerous people and dangerous places whenever
possible. I avoid rather than confront. I do not go around spoiling for a
But life brings us dangers not only of the action movie
variety. It brings us the everyday dangers. Stress and all that stress
brings. Part of what Chayon Ryu brings us is a balanced exercise program.
Class always begins with meditation and stretching. Then we go through our
basic movements, our forms, and for those of us who have trained for longer
periods, more advanced movements.
Scientific studies are very clear that
exercise increases health and longevity, heart strength is also brain strength,
it is good for the mind and the body. It helps one maintain fitness, weight, it
improves one’s ability to sleep well and to think well.

But just as Chayon Ryu is more than just self-defense,
punching and kicking, it is more than just an exercise program. I work in an
operating room administering anesthesia to patients undergoing surgery. I also
teach students my craft and help them learn how to administer anesthesia. Both
are very stressful. One must be alert or patients may suffer. At critical
times it is imperative that one be able to control one’s emotions and think
clearly. One must be humble and be able to see that he is not the most
important person in the room.
Properly taught martial arts, like Chayon Ryu, teach humility
and patience. One goes through the process of learning. One must empty his
mind and be humble in order to progress to the next step. One must be receptive
to being taught, to learning from his teachers, his training partners and his
students also.
Sparring in Chayon Ryu is a great example of how one learns
control, patience and humility. Initially students tend to think that it is a
contest. It is not. Students think that black belts must be the most dangerous
sparring partners; on the contrary they are the safest as they have learned
control. It is not being the hardest puncher that gains one rank and
recognition in sparring. It is the ability to be patient and controlled. When
working with a lower ranking student, one may be punched or kicked, even a
little harder than one should have been. It takes patience and control to
understand that there is no ill intent that one must respond with control and
kindness and bring the sparring to an unemotional state where both training
partners can learn.
In the operating room, in the classroom, in any workplace,
events may occur that could cause one to become emotional. The patient’s
condition may become critical, one professional in the operating room may ask
for drugs, or may need a procedure performed at once. Emotions may come out,
people may raise their voices. The same control that lets one be a good
sparring partner help one to be a good professional in the operating room. If a
surgeon or nurse in the operating raises her voice because she needs something
right away or because there is bleeding or some other problem with the patient,
one must maintain control, one must be calm. When a student is counseled or
graded and is not pleased with his grade or not receptive with criticism, he may
become emotional. It is essential that the teacher not return that negative
emotion, but be calm. This is what a true lifestyle martial art like Chayon Ryu
Respectfully submitted.
Kyo sa nim Kenneth Kirsner
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